Ambat is a coconut based thick curry in konkani.It is less spicy compared to our other curries. Ambat can be prepared using mixed vegetables or with some sprouts .Normally we temper ambat with onion fried in coconut oil which gives a nice flavour to the dish and aroma to this dish.
Moth beans sprouted-2 cups
dry red chillies-6-7
tamarind- marble sized ball
onion-1big ( chopped)
coconut oil for tempering-2tsp
- Peel chow chow(simey badaney) and cut into cubes.
- sprout the moth beans by soaking it for a day and then transfer it to a clean cloth, tie and keep it in a warm place.(the method of sprouting i have earlier mentioned in my blog post" Matki sambar" please refer to that post for details)
- Now cook both in a pressure cooker with 3 cups of water,take 2 whistle and turm
- For the masala roast red chillies in 1/2tsp of oil and grind it along with coconut grating and tamarind to a smooth paste.
- Now transfer the cooked veggies to a big vessel and add salt and boil for 10 mins.
- Now add the masala paste and cook again for 5 mins.
- Once the cooking procedure is done prepare the tempering of onion by frying onions to nice golden brown.
- Temper the Matki ambat with the onion and serve hot with rice.
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