
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

cabbage sandigey(cabbage vodi in konkani).

Vodi is a specialty of GSB konkani's a type of sun dried rice fryums .Its also very famous in other parts of south india,but this type of vodi is only prepared by  Konkani GSB's. Actually we love to have papad or vodi along with  our rice and dal whether its lunch or dinner some fried item is a must.
vodi is a dried snack which is light and crispy when its fried and goes well with rice and dal or sambar .It aslo goes well with our south indian kanji/ ganji /pej ( boiled red rice with starch) in konkani .Normally people prepare this in summer and use it for rainy season.
          Every year i prepare this with different combination,i use garlic or onion in place of cabbage.

Rice(dosa rice)-11/2
Sabudana-1/2 cup(soak for an hour)
Beaten rice-1/2 cup(grind it along with rice)
Cabbage-2 cups(chopped finely)
Red chilly-15
salt to taste


  • Soak rice for about 10-12 hours in 11/2 liters of water
  • Grind  rice to fine paste along with chilies and coriander.(if you are using beaten rice instead of sabudana then grind it along with rice)
  • Now heat a heavy bottom pan and mix the paste,soaked sabudana and salt.
  • Now add  2 lts of boiled water to the paste and keep on stirring to avoid any lumps.If it is too thick then add some more boiled water and keep stirring all the time.cook over a low flame.
  • Cook till it starts bubbling. cook further for 5 mins.
  • Now switch off the flame and add chopped cabbage.
  • Cover and keep over night.
  •  To prepare vadies, spread some plastic sheet outside or in the balcony or in the terrace ,drop the mixture with a spoon or with the fingers into small lumps.Dry in sun for  a day and next day turn over,dry again for 2 or 3 more days till its completely dry.
  • Store  in an  air tight container.t

 1. Be careful when you are adding salt to the vadi batter,as it shrinks to 1/2 of its original size when it dries.So add little less salt than normal.
2.its better to make the mixture night itself to save your time and energy so that you can start spreading this as early as possible in the morning.

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