
Monday, July 4, 2016

Sweet jackfruit dosa/ponsa polo


It's jackfruit  season,and I just had to try something different. So thought  of giving  little twist to my favorite dosa. Jackfruit  whether ripe or raw can be used in a myriad of dishes. This dosa is one of them.This is a quick and easy dosa and no need to ferment this batter. An interesting sweet treat, especially for children! these dosas taste very nice when served warm with a dollop of butter.

Ingredients :

  1. 2 Cups Dosa rice 
  2. 1 cup jaggeey
  3. 1 cup de-seeded jackfruit bulbs
  4. 1 cup Freshly grated coconut
  5. 11/2 tsp salt 
  6. Baking soda 1/2 tsp  
  7. Ghee for preparing dosa
Metod :

  • Wash the rice and ,then soak it in water for at least 2 hours.
  • Grind all ingredients(except the ghee) till you get a fine batter. The batter should  be thick like idli batter.
  • Heat griddle/ nonstick pan,pour a ladle full  of the batter onto a hot  pan and spread a portion of the batter to get a mini dosa of 75 mm. (3”) in diameter. Drizzle a little more ghee and cover with a lid and cook on medium flame for two or three minutes . Then cook uncovered till you see the tiny little holes on it. flip and cook till it is light brown in colour from both the sides.
  •  Remove  and serve hot with a dollop of homemade butter .