
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Grape Squash

This easy to make Grape squash beats the socks off commercial grape juices.So this Diwali welcome your guests with some home made grape squash without any preservatives.You just need to add some sugar and a good blender. And off course little lemon juice will lift the taste to make it even more “grape-y.” Although you can use any seedless grapes for this, but here i have used black grapes with seeds which will not only makes a much prettier looking drink but also cost effective for making this squash. 

Ingredients :
  1. 1 kg black grapes with seeds
  2. 1 kg Sugar
  3. 1 liter water
  4. 2tbsp Lemon juice

  • Choose well ripen black grapes. Remove stems and wash them thoroughly.
  • Fill a large pot 2/3 full with grapes.
  • Add water to barely cover the grapes.
  • When the water comes to a boil, start mashing the grapes in the pot with a potato masher. Cook 10 minutes. Mash again with potato masher to release juices.
  • Let it cool a bit then blend the grapes in a blender until liquefied.
  •   Set a fine mesh strainer over a large  bowl, and pour the blended grapes through. Press on the solids until no juice remains.
  • Stir in Lemon juice and add sugar and boil again for about 10 minutes till all the sugar dissolves completely. 
  • Switch off the flame and allow this squash to come to room temperature.
  • Now pour the squash into a sterilized bottle and store in refrigerator :)
To serve:
  •  Fill 1/4 of serving glass with the grape squash and remaining by water. Mix up well and serve chill topped with ice cubes. :)

  •  To get a pulpy texture to your grape juice, use a large holed sieve to strain the grape extract. I do this since I like my juice to have a pulpy sediment exactly like store brought but without preservative:)

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