
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Orange-ginger juice

This morning's juice was simple to make and complex in flavours. The oranges I have right now are some of the best this season vibrant and sunny! The orange fruit belongs to the genus "Citrus" and the family of "Rutaceae" . Oranges are oval to sphere-shaped fruits with orange to red orange shades. They have leathery, porous skin and soft, citric and juicy flesh which are ideal for juicing. Orange juice  is obviously one the most popular drink of all time. It is made by extracting the flesh of oranges, desiccating, pureeing or by subsequent reconstitution of the dried fruit. You can add some water, milk or other ingredients to the orange concentrate, but without these, orange juice could still be great tasting. 
Prep time: 15 minutes
  • 500 ml freshly squeezed orange juice ( 4-5 oranges)
  • 2tsp Grated ginger
  • 2 cups Ice cubes
  • Salt a pinch
Cooking Directions
 How to make the perfect orange juice:

  1.  First, tightly squeeze oranges repeatedly to soften them. Wash them thoroughly, cut into halves and remove seeds. If you're using a juicer, load and juice oranges according to specific machine instructions.
  2. If you're not using a juicer, separate the peel from the flesh using a sharp knife by carefully cutting around the edge of the orange half. Grip the peeled orange half and tightly squeezed the juice directly into a tall glass or pitcher. Continue squeezing, rotating it around your clean hands, until no longer juice comes out. If you want your juice to be pulpy, scrape the orange flesh with a slotted spoon and add this directly into the juice. If you want it with lesser pulp, pour the juice passing through a strainer.
  3. Blend all the ingredients on high power until smooth in a blender, about 1 minute.
  4. Garnish with orange wedges and serve.
Note : Orange Juice is often a vital part of your breakfast and most people want to drink it early in the morning. Actually, it is advisable to drink orange juice after breakfast or after meals because it is acidic in nature. We wouldn't want our empty tummies to ache by drinking it first thing in the morning. But as you indulge in the goodness of orange juice, have you realized what nutrients did you get as well?

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