
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Thai Crab Soup

This past weekend i got this lovely huge crabs and thought of trying something which i have never tried before.Then thought of making some thai soup.Hoping the recipe still in my old books.So started digging my 20 yrs old collection of recipes.Luckily i still have it.It was awesome..i really like the taste and the aroma of the lemon grass which really enhances the flavour of the crab meat.

  1. Crab-2( large)
  2. Ginger-1" piece
  3. Red chilly paste-2ts  or
  4. Thai curry paste-1tbsp( here i have used red chilly paste)
  5. Garlic-5-6
  6. Onion-2 chopped
  7. Fish sauce-2tsp
  8. Tomato-1chopped
  9. Lemon grass-2 stalks,tough outer layered removed,sliced thinly
  10. Pepper powder-1/2tsp
  11. Coriander leaves/root-3-4 springs
  12. Coconut milk-1heaped tbsp
  13. Cornflour/starch-1tbsp(mix it with coconut milk)
  14. Salt to taste


  • Clean and cut the crab.You can refer my earlier post   Kurla alley piyava Gashi for how to cut and clean the crabs
  • Now take a big sauce pan and add about  2 litres of water.In that add add all ingredients except coconut milk.
  • Boil over low flame for about 30-40 mins.Let it cool down for 10-15 mins.
  • Now take out the crab pieces and blend the sauce in a blender untill smooth.
  • Now take out meat from the body of crabs.There is a lot of good meat in the body of most crabs,especially blue and Dungeness crabs.It is located in the cartilage-lined channels in each of the two equal sides of the body.To get at it,grasp each side and break the body in half and fish out all the yummy meat in maze of cartilaginous channels.
  • Now add all the meat and the claws into the soup .
  •  Heat  the soup again.Just before switching off check for seasoning and finally add coconut milk-cornstarch and mix it well.Now its ready to serve.You can add little lemon juice just before serving to get that nice tangy flavour.

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