
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Egg-less Mango Mousse

Today i am here with one interesting  mango dessert which is very easy and tasty "Eggless Mango Mousse".Usually Mousse contains eggs which gives nice creamy texture to this dish but in this is absolutely egg less mousse,here egg is substituted with condensed milk and i have not used gelatin in this but normally i do use gelatin when i prepare my mousse with eggs.But this time i just wanted to try this type without using my gas or micro which i normally use while making at least to boil my milk .It has a nice thick creamy texture which i am sure everyone will enjoy especially vegetarian.I have tried this combo for the 1st time and believe me the flavour of mango enhances the taste of this mousse.I tried it for the 1st time and we all loved it a lot.

Mango cubes-2 cup
Condense milk-1cup
whipped cream-1cup
Lemon juice-1tsp
Sugar-1/2 cup

  • Blend mango pieces,lemon juice and sugar in a blender till sugar dissolves completely by adding little  milk.
  • Now refrigerate this puree for an hour to cool .
  • After an hour Whip the cream till its light and smooth.
  • Now fold the puree into the whipped cream very gently.Mix it well ,you will get nice thick creamy texture(you can use your electric mixer too.For this you need some ice cubes.Method is simple .Just Put the mixing bowl inside the cold one with the ice and begin mixing the mango puree with condensed milk,sugar and lemon juice.slowly the mixture will begin to thicken and then it will be like thick whipped cream.Now gently add the cream and blend it again.It will take about 5 minutes.Stop and divide the mousse into cups .I have used some mango pieces but you can serve without that too.
  • Refrigerate for at least for 2hours.
  • Your egg less mango mousse is ready.

Note; Those who are allergic to raw eggs ,kids with poor immune system should avoid eating raw eggs especially in summer.

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