
Friday, May 18, 2012


Yesterday i got some sweet ripe Alphanso/appus mangoes in the market.So while making Shrikhand  thought of making this Amrakhand which again  yoghurt based dessert but the difference is Amrakhand is flavoured with mango purée or pulp where as shrikhand is plain sweetened yoghurt. Gujarat is famous for both Amrakhand and Shrikhand.Both are served as a dessert or side dish with puris.


  1. Hung curd-2cups
  2. Mango pulp-1cup(don't use any water while making)
  3. Sugar-2tbsp or to taste depending on the sweetness of mango
  4. Butter-1tbsp
  5. Salt a pinch
  6. Almonds few for garnishing

Making of hung curd:
  • Hung curd is nothing but yoghurt from which excess water has been drained off
  • For making hung curd you will need a muslin cloth ,bowl and sieve.
  • Place a muslin cloth over a sieve (big one) and pour the yoghurt in the centre of the muslin cloth
  • Tie up the muslin cloth tightly with a string and leave it over the sieve.
  • Now keep this sieve over a huge bowl.This is important ,else you will end up with a puddle of whey.
  • Now keep this inside the fridge for at least 8-9 hours.
  • Now open the muslin cloth and you will get nice creamy yoghurt.
Note:-Don't discard the water strained from the yoghurt.You can use it for curries or while kneading dough or mix it with sour curd to make spicy buttermilk.

Method :

  • Make mango pulp by puréeing mango pieces in a blender.
  • Refrigerate the puree for at least 1hour. 
  • Now with a help of a hand blender mix hung curd ,mango purée,butter and  sugar  till light and creamy .
  • Then add the cardamom powder and salt and mix it well.
  • Let it rest in the refrigerator at least 1 hour before serving.
  • Garnish with crushed almonds before serving.

Note: Color of your  Amrakhand is depend on the type of mango used and Alphanso  mangoes are the best choice.If  you use amrakhand with puris then use only a cup of mango plup for 2 cups of hung curd in order to get a thicker Amrakhand.If you want little smooth dropping consistency as a dessert  then use curd and pulp  in 2:2 ratio you will get nice creamy Amrakhand.

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