
Friday, February 17, 2012

Palak Parata(spinach parata)

Wheat flour-3cups
Green chilly-6-7
Ginger-1 inch piece
Garlic-5-6 cloves
curd-1/2 cup
Salt to taste

  • Grind palak,green chilly,ginger and garlic to fine paste with very little water.
  • Now add this paste to wheat flour and also add some salt 
  • Now knead soft dough using curd and little oil or ghee.
  • Now make 10-12  big lemon size balls and roll into disk 
  • Heate a  griddle or tava and fry on  both the sides using little ghee( clarified butter) or with any vegetable oil.
  • Serve hot with butter or curd or  with tomato sauce.

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