
Sunday, January 15, 2012

tomato soup!!(with mixed vegies)

In winter season everybody at home feel like having something hot and spicy  especially in the evening .So daily i try different soups a tasty and healthy almost daily.Earlier i used to make tomato soup with only tomatoes and for thickening i used to add cornstarch.But in this recipe i have used potato and carrot as a thickening agent.Believe me its tastes superb.As it is winter season some or the other may have this common cold or cough problem so i have used lots of pepper and ginger to get relief  from that problem too.Altogether its a wholesome meal itself.. 

ginger-1inch piece
garlic-1big pod
tomato sauce-1tbsp(optional)
Onion -1(chopped and fried in butter to golder brown for garnishing)


  • Pressure cook all the ingredients for about 30mins.
  • Let it cool down for sometime.
  • After 30mins open the cooker and take out the boiled veggies and blend it in a blender to a smooth paste.
  • No need to strain the soup,directly transfer this into a big sauce pan and bring it to boil.Just check the consistency of the soup.How thick you want according to that add water.
  • Now add little tomato sauce or sugar if you want.
  • continue boiling till 15 mins.
  • Now garnish with fried onion and with cream along with  deep fried or toasted bread pieces.

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