
Monday, April 29, 2013

Soyabean idli..

Soybeans are very rich in protein. It is an excellent food, which replaces animal protein. It is highly suitable for strict vegetarians and for those who want to avoid non-vegetarian foods. Soya can be used in variety of traditional foods. The aim is to replace the junk foods, which contain empty calories with great tasting Soy Foods.Soybean contains isoflavones that minimizes the risk of developing certain cancers. Soybean, being a fabulous source of proteins, aids in lowering the cholesterol level. Genistein, an isoflavone in soybean, protects the body from the clutches of plague disease. In the market, three kinds of soybeans can be spotted, namely, fresh immature (green) soybeans, known as edamame, fresh mature soybeans, and dried soybeans. Owing to the innumerable benefits of soybeans, incorporate them in your daily meals and promote your health fitness. In this recipe i've used dried soya beans which is easily available in any of the super market

  • 1/2cup Urad /black gram dal
  • 1/2 cup Dried Soya bean
  • 2 cups Dosa rice
  • 1/2tsp Methi/fenugreek seeds
  • salt as per taste
Cooking Directions
  1. Wash soya bean and urad dal twice and soak both together for 6-7 hours in 2 liters of water.
  2. Wash and soak rice and methi in 1 liter of water for 6-7 hours
  3. Now use your wet grinder or mixer grinder and use the same water in which both soya and dal are soaked.
  4. Fill the soaked dal and bean upto 3/4 of the jar. Run the mixer at speed 2 and gradually add water while the mixer is still running,till the paste becomes uniformly fine.Stop and stir inbetween to allow trapped air bubbles to escape and to allow circulation. It will take 5-6 minutes to get a fine paste depending on the mixer grinder. Do not use all the water,keep some for grinding the rice.
  5. Now transfer the batter into large vessel.
  6. in the same jar add rice and methi and 1/2 cup of soaked dal water and grind to coarse paste ( should be semolina consistency )
  7. Add this rice batter to the dal and soya bean batter,mix it well with your hands and keep overnight to ferment.
  8. Next day morning add salt as per taste and adjust the batter,by adding little water if needed.
  9. Boil water in idli cooker and fill the idli moulds with this batter and steam for about 10-12 minutes.
  10. Serve hot with ginger-peanut chutney.

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