
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Scrambled eggs with fenugreek leaves

If you are looking for something healthy  and guilt free recipe then here is  one tasty scrambled egg recipe for you .This goes well with bread or our indian flat bread/roti and a very  healthy way to start your day.

scrambled egg with fenugreek leaves

Egg whites-6
Fenugreek leaves-1cup
Onion-3(chopped finely)
Green chilly-2(chopped finely)
Salt to taste

separate egg yolks from egg white

  • Chop fenugreek leaves finely and apply salt and keep aside for 10 mins.
  • Now heat a pan and heat 2tsp of oil.
  • Add chopped onions and fry for few seconds.
  • Now add the green chillies and fenugreek ,saute till the mixture  becomes dry or until you get the nice aroma of fried fenugreek leaves.
  • Now add the lightly beaten egg whites and mix it well.
  • Serve hot with bread or roti/chapati